2014年11月8日 星期六

linux mount USB DISK (NTFS)

0.安裝 NTFS : sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g
1.查看所有 DEVICE 的狀況: fidks -l
2.查看所有 mount 資料: df -aTh
3.解除原本系統自動MOUNT 上來的東西
  umount /media/AABBCCDDEE
4.重新mount 自己要的東西.
mount -t ntfs-3g -o uid=pi,gid=pi /dev/sda1 /media/usbhdd
5.去 nano /etc/fstab
/dev/sda1       /media/usbhdd   ntfs-3g  uid=pi,gid=pi     0       0

-t vfat' tells the mount command that your drive has a fat32 file system. If your drive is formatted with NTFS, you should use '-t ntfs-3g' instead. The '-o uid=pi,gid=pi' part of the command means that the disk will be owned by user pi. You can use this command to unmount the disk:

